A pulpit is a place from where a sermon (talk or address) may be given during a church service. From the earlier description on St Paul’s, the first pulpit was a wooden one, probably located alongside the pillar at the left side of the current chancel. The pulpit one can see today was put in at the time of the 1876 renovations. It was described by a local newspaper as occupying
“ an elevated position to the left of the chancel, and by a skilful arrangement the lower portion is made to form part of the screen wall. The pulpit is supported on a pedestal of Caen stone, having niches containing figures of the Four Evangelists in the same material. The body of the pulpit, however, is of oak, elaborately carved in panels, the upper portion of the panels being of open tracery and the lower portions being worked in the “linen” pattern which prevails generally throughout the building.[i]”
The pulpit is of its height so that the people in the galleries may hear the sermon.