Tower Clock

Having a Clock in the Tower was contemplated  in 1826 when the church was first built, but one was not actually installed until 1867. It cost then £257, but other expenses connected with it raised the total expenditure to £300. The money was raised by public subscription; an additional £100 was raised the following year for an Endowment Fund. The clock had a 2 second pendulum swing and chimed the quarter-hours on 5 bells and the hour on the tenor bell. It was made by Mr Jonathan Cryer of Bingley of castings done in Shipley. The Clock was set in motion on June 29th 1867 by Mrs Kelly and Master Arthur Kelly, the vicar’s wife and son. It was cleaned and repaired in 1912.

By the early 1930s, the clock installed in 1867 having become unreliable, a new clock was provided by Shipley Urban District Council and was dedicated on 31st December 1935 by the Rev. E.B. Alban, then Vicar of Shipley, in the presence of the Chairman and Members of the Council. After the service the Church Council members were entertained to refreshment in the Town Hall. The present clock remains the property of the local authority (now the City of Bradford Metropolitan District) and is kept in repair and adjustment by the council. The new clock was placed at a higher level than the original clock and the position of the latter can still be seen on the four faces of the bell tower.[i]

[i]      St Paul’s, A Brief History,1976, p, 5.

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